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Rock Formations
Serious Stare

Half-truths are particularly dangerous because they involve just enough of the truth to make the lie seem less obvious or offensive. As a result of personal interpretation of scripture, Bible history is often presented in a way that is wholly biased. You may be surprised to learn that history textbooks are not reviewed and the Bible was twisted by deceptive commentators to justify slavery. As a result, Negroes were given a history that is not their own. Let's take a look at the past of the Negro to see how it is now impacting their future. Negroes need to know who they really are.

At The Gates of Huldah, we take a closer look at the Scriptures and some of the dangerous misinterpretations that resulted in deception about the true identity of the Negro.There are many inaccuracies regarding the true history of Black Americans. The true history of the Negro has been hidden for centuries. Sadly, unscrupulous scholars, Bible commentators and textbook publishers twisted the history of so-called African Americans to promote false ideologies. As a result, the history of the Negro has been told from a biased perspective. At the Gates of Huldah, we are doing our part to share the truth as verified by history and the Scriptures.

negro, Do You Know The Truth about your history?


Rock Formations

Over 400 years ago, the transatlantic slave trade scattered enslaved people of color around the world. It’s no surprise that over time they would eventually lose their identity. The Gates of Huldah is a ministry dedicated to aiding the true scattered Hebrews, both young and old, in their daily spiritual walk, and to help them understand the truths about their identity. 

You Are Not Who You Think You Are!

We are the people of the book.jpg

Europeans taught many inaccuracies regarding the true history of so-called African Americans. Textbook authors and publishers determined which facts to include or exclude in educational materials. As a result, the history of “Blacks” is often presented in a way that is wholly one-sided. Consequently, people of color learn history that is told from a biased perspective creating impressions in their minds that they are inferior to those who are presented in a more positive light.

While the messages we share is open to all for edification, it is dedicated to the True Hebrew Israelites, the chosen people of the Most High. We share sources to identify who they are in history as verified by Scripture. The true children of the ancient Israelites are still scattered to the four corners of the earth and it is time for them to understand who they are and the covenant they have with the Most High as well as the curses associated with their disobedience.  The information shared in our videos and messages are here to aid you in understanding the signs of the times and help you to prepare for the coming Kingdom of Yah.


My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6


The information we share will help you discover your true identity. We believe that you must accept the Son of the Most High and LORD and Savior in accordance with Romans 10:9 and Mark 1:15.

You have been given a history that is not yours. Our history is so much more than what we have been taught and the story must be told accordingly. We can no longer allow others to define us.  Let’s uncover the truths that have been hidden. It is time to learn your true history and proclaim truth!

Rock Formations

Our Mission

We are on a mission to educate and wake-up “Black America” about their true heritage and expose the half-truths and outright lies in the history books that are designed to promote white supremacy.

The name of our ministry is inspired by the story of the prophetess Huldah found in II Kings 22 and II Chronicles 34. Huldah, a respected and influential prophetess during the reign of King Josiah is remembered for the prophecy she gave regarding the destruction of Jerusalem. Her name ‘Huldah’ means ‘a burrowing animal’. Teachers, in their own way, burrow, seeking out and examining little pieces of knowledge and wisdom. Huldah was just such a scholar.

Huldah was one of seven prophetesses mentioned in the Scriptures. Huldah lived in the time of the reign of Josiah in Jerusalem (3285–3316). In tradition, Huldah is said to have given her prophesies at a place called, Huldah’s Gate in Jerusalem.

When Hilkiah, the high priest found the Book of the Law in the temple, he read it to Josiah and the king rent his clothes. King Josiah sent messengers to Huldah to inquire of the LORD. She attested the authenticity of the book and prophesied the ruin that would come because Judah had abandoned the Law. Her message greatly influenced the changes carried out by King Josiah. Huldah was simply a messenger; she spoke with no personal authority; and yet there was both authority and power in her message. Yet, she was obviously respected because King Josiah did not question her message. His response to Huldah’s prophecy brought about the destruction of idol worship and led to religious renewal in the land. (2 Kin. 23:1-3).

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